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How to become a Child Care Provider?




  1. Purpose

  2. Definitions

  3. Registration requirements

    1. Application 

    2. Approval Process 

    3. Duties and Responsibilities 

    4. Qualifications 

    5. Ages and Number of Children 

  4. Health and Safety Requirements

    1. Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases 

    2. Emergency Procedures 

    3. Building and Physical Premises 

  5. Records

  6. Other Requirements

    1. Equipment 

    2. Infants 

    3. Food Service 

  7. Health and Safety Training

  8. Monitoring




The purpose of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care and Development Program is to increase the availability, affordability, and quality of child care. 


The purpose of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Program is to ensure maintenance of minimum standards of care and protection of children in child care facilities. These requirements are minimum standards to ensure the well-being of children. 



  • The relationship is by blood, marriage or adoption. 

  • In-Home Child Care- Child Care given to a child by a person coming into the child's own home for the express purpose of caring for the child. (Limited to the number of eligible children required to meet applicable minimum wage requirements). 

  • Exempt/Registered/Relative In-Home Care- Child Care is provided in the residence of the Child Care Provider, which is also the home of the child. Verification of the ownership of the residence by the Child Care Provider is required. 

  • Child Care Provider- An individual at least 18 years of age who provides child care. 

  • Eligibility Specialist- Child Care staff who are responsible for completing Subsidy and Registration Applications. 

  • Non-exempt Providers- Child Care Providers who are NOT the grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, or an adult sibling over 18 years of age or who does not reside in the home of the child in care. Non-exempt providers may be subject to the child care licensing requirements of the South Dakota Department of Human Services. 

  • Licensing Case Worker (LCW)- Child Care staff who are responsible for inspecting and monitoring a child care facility for compliance with Health and Safety standards.  

  • OSBI Background Check- South Dakota State Bureau of Investigation background check. 



  • Child Care Providers are required to be registered, contracted and approved with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Licensing Program in accordance with the following registration requirements: 

  • Registration/Agreement form 

  • Name 

  • Address 

  • Social Security Number 

  • Name and SSN must match 

  • Relationship Verification/Certification 

  • Signature of Child Care Provider which certifies all the information submitted is correct 

  • Approval by Child Care Licensing Manager 

  • Physician statement of health (non-exempt only) 

  • TB test (non-exempt only)/Chest X-Ray (if needed)

  • CDIB card (if applicable) 

  • W-9 form 

  • Authorization for a background check 

  • OSBI including Sex Offender Registry check 

  • Declaration for Child Care Providers 

  • Additional information may be required 

  • Verification of residence 

  • Child Care will be provided in the home of Child Care Provider 

  • Directions to home 

  • Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Services Day Care Provider contract 



  •  Determination of approval will be made within 30 days of completed registration application and will be effective back to the date of the application.

  • Registration will be in force for one year from the date of the application.

  • Child Care Providers will be required to register annually or more frequent as necessary. Renewals are completed by the LCW. 

  • Child Care Providers who are inactive due to the termination of eligible children in their care will be required to reapply in accordance with registration procedures to become eligible Child Care Providers before payment from the Child Care Program will be authorized. 

  • The Child Care Licensing Program may deny or revoke a registration for any person for whom there is documented evidence that the individual might present a danger to the health, safety, or well-being of children and/or youth.

  • If the Child Care Provider does not agree with the decision he/she will have the right to appeal the decision through the “Provider Appeal Process” of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Manual. 



  • Responsible for the care of the child in the approved and authorized location listed on the Rosebud Sioux Tribes Day Care Provider Contract, Part Three, Paragraph Two.

  • Maintain adequate safety precautions and health practices to ensure the well-being of the child. 

  • Provide constant supervision. The child is not to be left unattended at any time. 

  • Provide emergency medical attention in case of sudden illness or accident. An emergency contact person for the child will be listed. 

  • Emergency telephone numbers will be readily available at all times. (Fire department, Police department, Ambulance services, Physician, Clinic, etc.) 

  • Knowledge of good nutrition, food preparation and service to ensure a balanced diet suitable to age and physical development of the child. 

  • Responsible for child’s school attendance (if applicable). 

  • Provide play, recreation and enriched learning opportunities. 

  • Be a good role model. 

  • Be understanding of children. 

  • Work cooperatively with the child’s parent/guardian in meeting the needs of the child. 

  • Provide unlimited access for the parent and LCW during the hours the children are in care. 

  • Respect the child’s feelings. 

  • Work toward making a good adjustment to the parent’s temporary absence from the home. 

  • Immediately report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the state and/or tribal child welfare office or the state wide child abuse hot line (1-800-522-3511). Failure to report is a misdemeanor offense and if convicted is punishable by law. 

  • A person whose health or behavior would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of children is not permitted to live in a home or be on the premises while children are in care. 

  • No caregiver shall be under the influence of a substance which would impair their functioning while children in care are present.  



  • A Child Care Provider must: 

  • Be a minimum of 18 years of age 

  • Be able to read and write to understand requirements, follow instructions, and maintain compliance with health and safety requirements 

  • Provide vitality and flexibility for care 

  • Exercise good judgement 

  • Use appropriate authority in caring for children 

  • Maintain a stable and harmonious home life 

  • Provide for the physical and emotional needs of the child 

  • Give understanding, consistent and loving guidance

  • Refrain from using the following types of discipline

  • Loud, profane or abusive language 

  • Corporal punishment 

  • Discipline that is humiliating or frightening to children

  • Discipline associated with rest, toilet training or loss of food 

  • Be in compliance with the Criminal History Investigation 

  • A criminal history investigation is required for the Child Care Provider, including a check of the Sex Offenders Registry. The background check must be obtained from the appropriate agency in the previous state of residence if the Child Care Provider has lived in South Dakota for less than one year.

  • The Child Care Provider is responsible for obtaining background information from the previous state of residence and submitting with the Child Care Provider Registration. 

  • Restrictions: Individuals who are convicted of or enter a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, no contest, to certain crimes cannot be registered to provide care for children, live in the home, or be on the premises when children are in care. Those crimes include: 

  • Violence against a person

  • Child abuse or neglect

  • Possession, sale or distribution of illegal drugs 

  • Sexual misconduct

  • Gross irresponsibility or disregard for the safety of others 

  • Criminal History investigations are not required for: 

  • Providers who have documentation of a criminal history investigation within the last 12 months

  • If a background report includes a charge without disposition for an offense which could affect eligibility: 

  • A copy of disposition is obtained from the Child Care Provider 

  • The Child Care Provider Registration will not be approved until after the disposition has been obtained from the Child Care Provider and reviewed by the Child Care Licensing Manager for compliance with the Criminal History requirements 

  • A criminal history investigation may be requested for any member of the household residing in the home if criminal activity is reported to the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Program 

  • Ages and number of children: the total number of children in a child care home is limited to nine. 



  • Prevention and control of infectious diseases: 

    • Health- a Child Care Provider will be in good physical, mental, and emotional health. If it is reported or observed that the Child Care Provider has physical, mental, or emotional condition that may impact the care of children, a physician’s statement may be requested 

    • For non-exempt providers- a physician's statement, documentation of a TB test, or chest X-Ray are required to be submitted as a part of the regulation process 

    • Immunizations- children in care will have or be in the process of obtaining immunizations at the medically appropriate time, except those exempt as authorized by law 

    • Written permission to administer medication will be obtained from the child’s parent or legal guardian

    • Hand washing supplies will be accessible to all children and Child Care providers. The Child Care Provider and children will wash all parts of their hands with soap and water: 

  • Before and after eating

  • Giving medication 

  • After diapering, toileting, cleaning and handling of bodily fluids

  • After handling animals, animal waste, and animal cages 

  • Sewage and solid waste shall be disposed of properly 

    • Garbage and rubbish will be removed from rooms where children and adults will be present 

    • Garbage and rubbish will be stored in a closed container that prevents access by children and animals including rodents and insects 

    • An operable toilet is available for children's use  

  • Water Supply. Safe drinking water will be accessible to children. When not on a public water supply, water is tested initially for lead and annually for bacteria and nitrates.

    • A referral will be made by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care to the office of Environmental Health for testing

  •  Emergency Procedures: 

    • An appropriately stocked First Aid Kit will be on hand and accessible to the caregiver at all times. 

    • Emergency transportation will be available. 

  • Only licensed drivers will be allowed to transport children.

  • Written permission for transportation will be obtained from parents/guardians. 

    • Children are required to use safety belts, or for children under 4 years of age, federally approved and properly installed child passenger restraint (car-seat) or other appropriate child passenger safety seat.

  • A telephone and/or other acceptable means of communication will be available to contact emergency services.

  • Emergency numbers will be readily accessible:

    • physician/clinic

    • Fire department

    • Police department

    • Parent phone number

  • Emergency/exits plans and procedures will be available

  • Building and Physical Premises

  • The home shall meet minimum local building codes.

  • In rural isolated locations a building code may not exist. If in the opinion of the LCW the physical structure is questionable, state, local, or tribal fire and health inspectors shall be accessible to licensing staff during the hours that children are in care.

  • All areas of the home shall be accessible to licensing staff during the hours that children are in care.

  • The home will comply with fire and safety requirements:

    • One operable smoke detector on each level of home. 

    • Operable portable fire extinguisher on the premises.

    • Electrical outlet covers will be used in areas occupied by children.

    • Gas fed appliances will be properly vented.

    • Heater closet will be free of store items.

    • Cooking, ventilation, heating and cooking equipment will be properly installed.

    • Care is not provided for more than one child (including the provider's own children) under three years of age on the second level of a multi-family dwelling.

    • Each room used for child care will have two means of escape. One exit can be an operable window large enough to allow all adults and children to escape.

    • Fire and health officials will be consulted on safety as necessary.

  • The home will be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.

  • The premises will be free of indoor hazards.

    • Two exits from each room where child care is provided will be unobstructed. One exit can be an operable window large enough to allow all adults and children to escape. 

    • Stairways will be free from obstruction.

    • All flammable/toxic substances, smoking materials, hazardous items and weapons will be stored and locked, covered or removed to be inaccessible to children. 

    • Indoor temperature levels will be maintained that will not cause harm to children.

    • Rooms will be well lit.

    • Closet doors will open from inside.

    • Locking bathrooms will open with readily accessible device.

  • The premises will be free of outdoor hazards. 

    • Outdoor area occupied by children will be free of trash and tall grass. 

  • Outdoor play will be supervised at all times by the Child Care Provider.

  • Any play activity involving water will be supervised at all times by the Child Care Provider. 

  • Creeks and ponds will be inaccessible to children.

  • Pools or other permanent standing water will be enclosed with a fence or otherwise safeguarded to prevent access by children.




  • Children’s daily attendance records verifying days of care will be current and accessible to Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Staff. All records are to be maintained by the Child Care Provider for 3 years.

  • Copies of billing forms will be on file and available for review by Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Staff. All records are to be maintained by the Child Care Provider for 3 years.

  • Records of immunizations will be on file and available for review by Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Staff. Exemptions from immunizations due to a child’s medical condition or religious grounds will be on file and available for review.

  • Medical and Transportation release forms signed by parent or guardian will be on file and available for review by Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Staff.

  • Records of training will be on file and available for review by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Child Care Staff.

  • Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care/Day Care Provider Contract will be on file. All records are to be maintained by the Child Care Provider for 3 years.

  • Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Development Services Authorization to Provide Services will be on file.


Other Requirements

  1. Equipment

    1. A variety of indoor and outdoor toys, activities, materials, and equipment that meets the developmental needs of children in care is readily accessible and available. 

    2. Toys, activities, materials, and equipment used are in good working condition and are non-toxic, clean, safe, and free from hazards such as sharp corners, splinters, exposed nails and bolts.

  2. Infants

    1. To reduce the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), infants under 12 months are placed on their back for sleeping unless there is a medical reason why the infant should not sleep in this position. Documentation from a doctor will be required. 

    2. Water beds, sofas, soft mattresses, pillows, bean bag chairs, and other soft surfaces are prohibited as infant sleeping areas.

  3. Food Service

    1. Food will be properly stored, wrapped, served, and handled.

    2. The Child Care Provider will provide nutritious meals suitable to the ages of children in care. 




The Child Care will be required to attend orientation within 60 days of registration. The orientation is conducted by the Child Care Program Subsidy and Licensing Staff.


Orientation will include:

  • Overview of the child care program

  • Responsibilities of the provider

  • Responsibilities of the parent 

  • Responsibilities of the child care program

  • Billing guidelines

  • Monitoring guidelines

  • Compliance with standards 

  • Training requirements


On-site Orientations are conducted by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care within 60 days for Child Care Providers living in the following counties:

  1. Todd

  2. Mellette


A Resource Packet is given to each Child Care Provider which includes:

  • Billing Guideline Booklet

  • Health and Safety Requirements for Registered Child Care Homes

  • Home Visit report form

  • Child information sheet

  • Child Abuse Reporting Requirements and Phone Numbers

  • Child Care Food Program Sponsors

  • Child Care Offices and Staff Contact Information

  • Sparking Connections Information

  • Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Resource Center Information

  • Health and Safety Book: “What To Do When Your Child Gets Sick”


Failure of the Child Care Provider to attend and complete the orientation within 60 days of registration may result in the Child Care Provider authorization being placed Inactive. Subsidy payment will not be made to an Inactive Provider.

If a Child Care Provider is placed Inactive due to failure to attend orientation, the Provider will be required to reapply in accordance with Registration requirements and will not be approved until after completion of the Orientation.


Within six months of registration the Non-Exempt Provider will obtain:

  • CPR training

  • First-Aid Training

  • Training in the use of a fire extinguisher


1. Copies of training/certificates or other verification will be obtained to ensure compliance with the CPR training, first-aid training, and other requirements.

2. Information through flyers, brochures, news articles, pamphlets, the Child Care Resource and Referral Newsletter, training and technical assistance regarding applicable health and safety standards will be supplied to the provider by the child care program staff and the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care during home visits.

  • How to identify and report suspected child abuse

  • Poison control 

  • Immunizations

  • Child car seat safety

  • Playground safety

  • Fire safety

  • First aid instruction

  • Use of a fire extinguisher

  • Water safety

  • Nutrition

  • Early childhood development

  • Age appropriate recreation/activities for children

  • Culturally relevant recreation/activities for children

  • Accident prevention measures

  • Disease prevention measures

  • State licensing requirements



  • All home visits are unannounced.

  • A home visit will be completed by the Licensing Case Worker within 90 days of registration during the time a child is in care to monitor compliance with Health and Safety Requirements. Child care homes will be monitored by the Licensing Case Workers a minimum of two unannounced visits per year to the authorized home where services are provided.

  • Homes not in compliance with standards will be given a specific time period not to exceed 90 days to come into compliance.

  • A follow-up visit will be conducted by the Licensing Case Worker to ensure compliance.

  • Homes not meeting standards after the follow up visit will receive an administrative review to determine continued eligibility as an authorized child care provider.

  • If numerous or serious non-compliances are observed, a Notice to Comply from the child care provider may be completed.

  • After each home visit, a copy of the monitoring report is left at the child care home. 

  • Upon the documented evidence of non-compliance of standards which may present a danger to the health and safety of children in care, the Child Care Office may revoke a registration for a provider or place the provider Inactive. 

  • The child care home will not be returned to Active status or approved as a Child Care Provider until the child care staff has verified the situation has been corrected.


After three (3) unsuccessful attempts by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care to monitor for compliance, the child care provider may be placed Inactive. Subsidy payments will not be made to Inactive providers. If the Child Care provider is placed Inactive due to the lack of a home visit, the Child Care Provider will not be approved for Registration until a home visit has been completed by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care to determine compliance with Health and Safety Requirements.


If the provider does not agree with the decision he/she will have the right to appeal the decision through the “Provider Appeals Process” Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care and Development Block Grant Manual.

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